GRUPO MIRALBUENO has a policy on Quality adequate to the purpose of the organization and its activity focused on the marketing, storage and distribution of agricultural, industrial and gardening machinery and spare parts, personal protective equipment (PPE), compressors and generators; this policy is focused on meeting the expectations and needs of its customers with an affordable cost. This policy focuses on the following points:
- Fulfillment of the customer's specific requirements and the legal regulations that apply to it.
- Improvement of the quality of all activities in order to guarantee the products and services supplied to customers.
- Availability of rational, economical, safe and adequate human and material resources.
- Motivation of personnel.
- Prevention of failures before they occur.
- Improvement of productivity.
The Management of GRUPO MIRALBUENO is committed to comply with the requirements and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system; it is also committed to ensure that its Quality Policy, integrated within its Quality Management System, is understood, implemented and updated at all levels of the organization.
Likewise, it acquires the firm commitment to specify and update the Quality objectives through the annual reviews of the Quality Management System carried out by the Company's Management.